Business Of The 21st Century

Business Of The 21st Century Marketing Plan

Are you ready for the tsunami of business opportunities?

Current situation and prospect of health product industry.

Health product industry is an escalating and sizzling business. Statistically speaking, there has been a solid increase of sales all over the world in the past 20 years. America has increased by 36 times,Japan has increased by 32 times. Annual growth rate in EU countries is 13%, China on the other hand, is 15% to 30%, which is by far higher than the average of developed countries. However, the current average spending per person in China is 31RMB only, 1/12 compare to Japan and 1/17 to America. The market potential is magnificent.

Around 1 billion semi healthy people in the world has insufficient medical care. The finding of a survey from WHO indicates that only 5% of people are actually healthy all over the world, 20% are sick with the rest of 75% are semi healthy. In China, 70% of people appear to be semi healthy, which means the number reaches 1 billion. Proper health care could get thesepeople back to the health track, sick path on the contrary. It's a pity that most people's perception towards "healthy" stays at the level of "fix the problem when it pops". Despite a few have the cognition to execute the prevention by taking health products, the effect is questionable without quality health guide.

The unpredictable SARS brought tremendous inconveniences to our works and lives, on the other hand, endless marketing opportunities rose to the surface. Nowadays, people have raised awareness to the importance of daily health care, physical training, personal and public environment build.10 reasons to invest:

Small product with huge market-"love moon" sanitary napkin.
Two patents: the first "inside anion piece" and "gynecological disease detecting piece" in China, which reached the leading level in the field globally.

Function patents: the structure of seven layers, streamlining and sanitary production process, the packing which meets the food hygiene standard, high-tech patent, natural treatment, absence of side effect.
Market analysis: among 1.5 billion people in China, women from the age group of 13 to 50 spend 105 billion RMB each year on sanitary napkin and there is an increasing trend! Only countable brands in the market, this 6 billion customers' market transcends nationality and race.

Requirement analysis: necessity for live, women must buy!
Psychological analysis: products with guaranteed quality meets people's psychological need for "secure and health product".

Price analysis: the retail price is equivalent of the price of similar product of high class in the market, member price is even lover than the market average.
Strategy analysis: traditional way of marketing combined with the modern competent marketing tool- E commerce.

Risk analysis: reasonable investment followed by easily achievable sales target, little after sales service (females know how to use it), monthly and repeatedly purchase.
Jewish philosophy of making money: it is 10 times easier to earn money from purses than from wallets.
Below is a brief write out of our marketing plan.

Our marketing plan have 2 very unique structure. 1st we get infinity level 10% irregardless which level you are. 2nd, we are globally link, which mean you can go anywhere to do this business as long as that country have stockists there.

We have 4 bonus in our business. This is unlimited, as the more friends you being in, the more you earn. You still have multiplier bonus and if you still continue to bring friends in, there are also product introduction bonus. So can you imagine how much you can earn in a month? And the beauty of the business is there is no limitation of how many people you sponsor, the more you sponsor, the more you get in leadership bonus.

Good news is keep sponsoring people and it's unlimited . This is ultimate power of our leadership that means you get loyalties from people you bring in. Infinity!!!

This business is based on repeat orders and look at the world consist of 6 billion people and how much is the female population??!! If people realized that this is a huge global business with no sponsor boundary. You never know who will come into your network one day. It could be Somebody from a distant country and exploded the business there because of simple support system we use to guide to build the network.

Our bussiness is amazing and imagine within a year, we already listed on the Nasdaq US stock list. Our material and technology are from Japan and our products are authorised in Hong Kong. We have factory in China, Japan and looking at another one in Australia. Our company are 4 years now and we are already in 100 countries.

The company is young, I believe this is the right time to join in as the vision of our Chairman is to take the company to become the 1st direct sales company in Asia with the next 5 years & within the next 10 years to become the 1st in whole world as the strongest company.

World's First Patented Sanitary Product!
Every cubic cm. of the anionic padding in each piece can release up to 6070 anions. The intensity of released will effectively suppress the survival and multiplication of bacteria and viruses on sanitary napkin. The anionic padding releases large amount of oxygen, has a balanced pH level and enhances hormonal balance that effectively improves incretion, strengthening immunity, reducing stress, eliminating bacteria, treating inflammation, eradicating odour, removing fatigue and etc.

Regular use of negative ions product will have effect on:
* improve immune system
* improve blood circulation
* strengthens cardiovascular system
* improve sleep quality
* ease joint-related pains and body aches
* normalise your hormonal imbalances
* reduces stress and fatigue
* increase concentration, body energy and productivity

Why People Fail ?
Have ever heard about someone told you how he or she lost their money in network marketing ? Or did you read in any statement that most of people "fail" in network marketing. No matter if you read it in news paper, magazine or even watching television ?

Bare in you mind about this word " FAIL "

Now think about it closely. Did you ever heard about a lot of

FAIL............ to be a singer.?
FAIL....... to be a sportsman..?
FAIL... to be real estate agent..?
FAIL... to be a good salesman..?
FAIL... to be insurance agent..?

So, now ..DID YOU KNOW..why..? Did they just simply FAIL or they DON'T KNOW how..?

NOW..lets me show you on how to become more successful in network.

I know not everybody willing to change what they use to be..
However trying TO DO SOMETHING is much better then NOT DOING ANYTHING for the great future..

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